Monday, May 5, 2008

What is What

What is what? 29/4/2008

The purpose of writing this is to make you understand what is what. Actually, when we think about something in this world, we can get so many thoughts and opinions, views, image in our mind. But whatever we think is may be right or it may not be right. It may be true or not true.

As a human being we got the power to understand what is right and what is not right. Also what is truth and what is not truth.

Here, I would like to make you one thing clear, in the process of evaluation of rights and wrong. The human being made certain thing. Whatever is favoring us is right and whatever is not favoring is not right. In other way, we can say as where we are comfortable and not comfortable.

If you deeply analyze, the right or wrong may vary with every person. Because the views, thinking and opinions of every persons may vary.

But in the truth, even though if is varying person by person, the truth is always truth... To accept and realize the truth, we need the balanced and conditioned mind.

In that way, if you analyze about whatever in the world, every one get only one opinion and one view and one image, provided all should have balanced and conditioned mind Or whomever having balanced and conditioned mind they will have only same in their mind which is true.

See, whatever is there is there. We can’t hide that. It may even change from one form to other form but we can’t delete that from this world.

One thing with the human being is, majority of the people will take decision and decide one thing as truth which up their knowledge level. This is not the mistake of them. But they are not the right person to analyze the truth. They still require realizations.

Here, we should think carefully, whatever we think or we know is not truth. What is what only truth.

For example, we can take god, our culture, society, life, ceremony all this made by human being and realized a meaning on that. So, our earlier people did and followed certain things. We also are following the same without even thinking why. But we should understand one thing here is whatever the did or said in those days are reshaped by us or slightly/fully changed by without even understanding the basic concepts of the culture, society, life, ceremony or who is the god, what is the god, why the god is in the world.

Let us first take the god. Let us try to understand the truthness in the god.
Before going in to detail, we can analyze the word god. The word “god” is varying in each language. So, the Word “GOD’ is not the god correct? To understand and realize the one, we created a word called God like other words eat, sleep, and drink.

So, let us assume “God is a power”. What is power? Whatever helps to do a work or functions or create action is Power. and the power of superior is Super power. In the Same way, in this universe, we have earth as one of the planet... In the same manner we have lot of planets around the sun. These planets are mercury, Venus, earth, Saturn etc., This is called one Galaxy. Human being named as “Milky way galaxy”. This is actually scientifically proved one.

If you go in detail, like this there are lot of sun and lot of elements are there with their family in the universe. So far human being not able to reach even our own sun. All these, planets are rotating or functioning or there in the universe for several years of years. All are doing something which we are really not able to understand with our knowledge level. But these all are there which we can’t deny.

To operate all these planets and galaxies one power is there. To understand that we can call that as Super power in the universe. This super power only takes care of all the galaxies, planets, and inside the galaxies and planets. This also we can’t deny. This super power called in human language as god.

That is which one or who ever can do one thing which can’t do by the any one in the universe is the super power or god.

In the process of evaluation of human being in the earth. Human beings were lived without any thoughts on their mind like god, culture, society etc. Later they felt their needs and formed certain things. For example to secure the health they used leafs later on it became as dress.

In the same way, every one taken certain part of land for their needs. Later on whoever taken the land they felt as that is their property of them and became shelter concepts. Some people had some nature foods and some other set of people had some other foods or things. Then exchanged each together based on their needs and became money concepts.

Then based on land, nature, work people get differentiated among them. And became caste concepts. Like wise all are got developed by human being. But later on it all dominated the human being. Because those days those people never thought about superiority. But the later people had these kinds of poor thoughts and now it’s become as a society thought.

Now think, is this caste, culture, god is truth?
Yes it’s all truth. But we are giving more importance to them then living the normal life. Its actually made all for certain purpose, which is actually don’t need always in your life.

See somebody’s in life says there is no god, because they are able to live themselves without others help. They have the confidence. People who says god is there is actually believing others i.e. GOD.

Whatever problem comes they will go to god, or whatever they need they will go to god. These people don’t think about god till they need any help except few. Because they need a support. They have less self confidence. if someone does god’s work i.e. helping others and fulfilling their needs then he is the god for them. Hope no one can deny.

So, even in god matters the truth we can understand well if you really realize well the above. All the truth are truth, we can’t hide. But people are changing the truth for their convenient which is actually not truth. So, we all should understand the reality and truth and understand what is what.

The only worry is today more than 90% of human being in this world does not understand the truth. Even if the realized people say about the truth, this society is punishing them. But still we only should make all of them realize the truth then we can realize the real life.

This should start from each and individual. If we start doing now, then our society in future will live very health life.

The balanced and conditioned mind is needed to realize the truth. If you realize the truth then you will always have the balanced and conditioned mind which will really gives you peace of mind.

So, please realize what is what and be happy always and make others also happy, who is really don’t know about happiness,

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